Vitality + – Vitality + Premium Australian CBD Products Sat, 06 Feb 2021 03:21:01 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Vitality + – Vitality + 32 32 What Is The Endocannabinoid System? Fri, 10 Jul 2020 01:37:45 +0000 If you’ve been spending time researching and looking into CBD products you’ll see that most websites and blogs will often mention The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which can leave you wondering what is that all about? 

Most of the medical marijuana is based on the study of cannabinoids. They are similar in structure to the neurotransmitters, which we call “endocannabinoids”, located in our peripheral and central nervous system. The network of these endocannabinoids in our bodies is called the endocannabinoid system.

Within our brain is something that’s known as the endocannabinoid system. It is a biological system composed of endocannabinoids. It naturally processes two distinct cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) throughout the entire nervous system. 

This detailed system that exists inside our bodies was officially discovered in early 1990s by a team of researchers studying the effects of THC and is seen as potentially one of the most important parts of the CBD processing and the how and why CBD Oil works. 

So we want you to learn all you can about understanding The Endocannabinoid System and CBD, the history, the basics, how it works, why it works, what the system does and the interaction it has with CBD. 

When was it discovered? 

In the late 1960s when scientists were studying and researching the effects that cannabis had on the body the ideas of this system called endocannabinoid began to reveal itself. 

Through this research when they were studying the effects that phytocannabinoids (plant cannabinoids) had on the body of humans they started to discover that the human body was already constructing its very own unique set of cannabinoids known as endocannabinoids (internal cannabinoids).

According to Dr. John McPartland, a renowned cannabis expert and botanist, concluded that the endocannabinoid system began developing approx 600 million years ago. They discovered through this research that it’s very likely that not only do humans have this internal cannabinoid system but also all types of animals – from birds, mammals to reptiles and amphibians. 

In the early 1990s researchers at Hebrew university confirmed that the neurotransmitter endocannabinoids exist. 

So how does it work, the Endocannabinoid System? 

The human body will always want to find homeostasis, a biological concept where all body systems are continuously working to stay regulated within optimum levels (equilibrium). 

There is a set of functions that the body has to manage to maintain homeostasis, things like regulating body temperature, blood sugar levels, heart rate, blood pressure and pH levels. 

The human body’s brilliant ability to balance itself out is what keeps us living at optimum. 

Everything in the body needs to be balanced for us to be in homeostasis and the ECS plays a role in helping the body maintain its optimum conditions to do so. The Endocannabinoid Systems main goal is to always find homeostasis. 

Our endocannabinoid system can very easily get out of balance by the modern lifestyle; too much stress, not looking after your health, diet, exercise. These all play a key role in how well the endocannabinoid system will function.

What does it do?


The Endocannabinoid Systems plays an important role in assisting to regulate a huge range of the human body’s natural functioning; memory, mood, sleep, appetite, metabolism, perception of pain, inflammation, immune system responses… 

There are 3 key components to The Endocannabinoid System that makes it function;

  • Endocannabinoids – these are the molecules that activate the cannabinoid receptors 

Did you know that your body already produces cannabinoids without you ever needing to consume a product like CBD or any other cannabis product.

Your body already houses endocannabinoids and creates 2 types of cannabinoids, which scientists have identified as anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol 

The human body produces these endocannabinoids as they are needed, to assist in regulation of internal functioning and are used to send messages in between cells. 

  • Cannabinoid Receptors – these are found throughout the body on the surface of cells. Receptors in the human body act as a lock and key function. 

So as cannabinoids are consumed and enter the body the cannabinoid receptors are designed to bind to cannabinoid receptors and match up like a lock and key. 

The two major endocannabinoid receptors are located in the central nervous system (CB1) and the peripheral nervous system (CB2) 

CB1 receptors are primarily located in the central nervous system (CNS), especially within the brain and spinal cord. They play a direct role in cognition, emotion, memory, motor control, appetite stimulation and the perception of pain. 

CB2 receptors are primarily located in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) especially within the gastrointestinal and immune systems. These receptors regulate inflammation and other immune system responses.

These receptors allow cells to detect cannabinoids – both endocannabinoids and plant cannabinoids like CBD. Once a cannabinoid has been detected the receptors react by propelling the cell into action. Depending on the type of cell and the specific cannabinoid detected these responses can wildy vary. 

  • Enzymes – these help facilitate the breakdown of cannabinoids after they have served their purpose and necessary function.

The body eliminates it through the production of enzymes. This is important so that the cannabinoid neither triggers multiple cannabinoid receptors nor re-triggers the same receptor after the initial need has passed. If it were not broken down this way it could potentially limit the communication of cells or cause other negative side effects. 

The two main known types of enzymes that work with theThe Endocannabinoid Systems (ECS): 

  • Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase which eliminates anandamide 
  • Monoacylglycerol Acid Lipase which eliminates 2-arachidonoylglycerol 

So how does The Endocannabinoid System and CBD interact and work together?

Researchers are still unsure as to how precisely CBD interacts with the The Endocannabinoid System. However studies have shown unlike most cannabinoids bind to the major cannabinoid receptors in the body, the ‘plant cannabinoids’ or ‘phytocannabinoid’ CBD that we consume, do not actually bind to either of the CB1 and CB2 receptors. 

Scientists currently believe that CBD (plant grown CBD) when consumed positively modifies our receptors ability to bind to cannabinoids rather than actually binding to the receptors itself. 

There are more than 100 different plant cannabinoids and each has a slightly different interaction with the CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body.

Regardless of how the mechanisms function, CBD has been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic effects on both the mind and body.  These effects vary depending on how much and the method of ingestion. 

According to the World Health Organisation cannabinoids in the plant are not addictive, habit forming or psychoactive. The legalization of hemp has made it more possible for people to easily achieve a balanced state. 

So ultimately by supporting your own body’s supply of cannabinoids with plant based compounds actually will support the The Endocannabinoid Systems role in maintaining homeostasis 

Whilst we may be able to answer the question what is the The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) there still so much we don’t understand. It is a complex system but a vitality important system and further research needs to be done and as we discover more and more and as we do it allows us to become a healthier and happier world. 

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Why Testing CBD Is So Important Fri, 10 Jul 2020 01:36:44 +0000 CBD Oil is everywhere these days, but that doesn’t necessarily mean all are at industry standard. Any brand can claim that their cannabis product is ‘lab tested’. But this doesn’t actually mean anything unless they provide you with third-party lab results. 

When we say ‘third-party’ we are referring to a lab that is completely independent of the producer. The potential therapeutic benefits of taking a product like CBD can be incredibly life changing for some people, so making sure the product is as real and close to its purest form is highly important.  Having third party lab results can help provide you with proof that the product your buying is what it says it is, pure and safe. 

Like any other plant or produce, it’s really only as safe as what it’s been exposed to and only as healthy as the soil it was planted in and this is why you should care about lab testing. 

Testing for heavy metals, mold and toxic pesticides is very important as they are known to be highly toxic to humans, as our bodies cannot efficiently remove them. You want to make sure that the product you have found is of highest quality and most importantly safe for your consumption.
The main ones you want to watch for are arseniic, lead, mercury and cadmium.
The Certificate of Analysis for some products will also show the moisture content when tested. If the moisture level is too high, then there is a risk of fungi and bacteria living in the product and if its too low it could leave it brittle and dry.   

So the only real way to be sure of the potency and quality of a product, along with whether the product is contaminated is to do third party lab testing. 

You want to also keep in mind that the lab your product is being tested at is reputable and known for their consistency, effectiveness or safety.

The cannabis plant is a known bioaccumulator which means it can absorb a large majority of whatever its root system comes into contact with, including toxins like heavy metals. If the plant material contains heavy metals absorbed from its soils, then the oils extracted from the plant will also contain these contaminants.

So third party lab testing matters because it helps you separate the bad and good quality products. Third-party lab testing is the process of a company sending their products out to a private laboratory to verify the CBD content and purity (i.e. no chemicals, toxins or harmful bacterias) 

Some companies will publish their results on the packaging of their products, although this is limited to labelling laws in specific locations.
Other companies will provide you with detailed lab results, usually a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for a particular batch of products and some companies you’ll need to contact them directly. 

Simply put if a brand/company refuses to hand over lab results then we suggest you question whether the product is safe or is what it claims to be, or maybe its not even been tested in the first place. 

In terms of potency, most results will at the very least show the levels of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids in the product. These are the active substances that are responsible for the various psychological and physiological effects of different strains. 

Here’s what to look for in a thorough CBD lab report:

  • How much CBD is actually in the product.
    Even though the label on your CBD product may state it contains a certain amount of MGs of CBD in your product, there may actually not be as much as it states. A third-party lab test is the perfect place to verify the actual amount of CBD content in the product. 
  • How much THC is in the product. The hemp plant naturally contains a small amount of THC, but nowhere near enough to give you that “high” feeling.
    There is a legal limit of THC in hemp products, so It’s important to note that the THC amount is at or below 0.3% on the lab report.
  • Details on the cannabinoid profile.
    Depending on the type of product you choose, you’ll want to confirm that’s actually what you’re getting. A cannabinoid profile can tell you these details.
    CBDa, CBG, CBN, THC and more.
    The cannabinoid profile gives you a more in-depth look at the different cannabinoids within the product
    For eg, if you’re purchasing an Isolate product, CBD should be the only cannabinoid within this profile, and if you’re purchasing a product that is full-spectrum, you can expect to see a cannabinoid profile that shows more than just CBD, including: CBDa, CBG, CBN, THC and more. 

Although this is less commonly found on lab results, you may also notice your product has been tested for terpenes,  and if so the testing will break down the terpenes content into further detail. Terpenes are compounds found within plants that provide flavour and give the plant aroma. They also offer other therapeutic benefits based on their unique individual medicinal properties.
Terpenes may also play a role in differentiating the effects of cannabis strains. Some may be more uplifting and promote more focus whereas others may promote more relaxation and stress relief. 

Third-party lab testing can provide you with a wealth of information to be sure that what you’re purchasing is safe for consumption and you know you’re getting a quality product from a brand/company you can trust. . We believe its empowering to understand what’s in the products you’re purchasing. You should be able to access lab test results easily and if you cant you may want to question the reason why, the authenticity of the produt.

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How To Avoid Fake CBD Oil In A Crowded Market Fri, 10 Jul 2020 01:36:08 +0000 CBD Oil industry is booming and it’s no wonder, more and more people are becoming more aware of the importance of their health and wellness and are seeking out all natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals and other common practices. 

Unfortunately there are synthetic Isolate versions of CBD and this can be found inside tinctures, blams, lotions and many other products so our job as purveyors of high standard, high quality CBD oils we want to educate our consumers to make the best choice in knowing how to choose a great CBD product and avoid fake CBD oil.

When something is new, there becomes a sudden rush for companies and businesses all around the world to start putting their energy towards the hype, to keep up with trends. 

However what happens when everyone wants a slice of the pie, companies and businesses can forget to uphold proper standards of care. Meaning poor product quality, due to the fact that there is little to no restrictions when it comes to creating a CBD product. 

There has been lab report testing done that has found contaminants in CBD products, like pesticides, heavy metals and bacteria. So products don’t actually contain what they say they contain. 

Our Top Tips for avoiding fake CBD oil

View Lab Results 

A company that prides themselves with a high quality CBD product will have third-party lab results to prove it. COA’s (certificate of analysis) verify the quality and potency of the product. 

So when looking at the lab report you’ll want to look for things like;

  • How much CBD is in the product 
  • How much THC is in the product 
  • Details on the cannabinoid profile  

It’s empowering to know exactly what’s in the products you’re purchasing and third-party lab testing helps you better trust what you buy.

Where is the CBD grown 

We suggest consumers should look into where the business is located, and where the product is grown. By doing this consumers are able to identify the farming regulations of the product’s origin. 

How is the CBD created

What is the extraction method that is used to create the on shelf product from the plant. We advocate the CO2 extraction method as more clean and effective.  Consumers should do their research to determine whats best for them.

Health claims 

Major red flags to look for:

Claiming to heal a specific disease or illness or existing medical conditions.

Any company or business that is making false claims for curing major diseases or  illness or existing medical conditions is acting out of compliance and should be considered as a concern to the consumer. 

Customer Service

The best companies and brands in the world, in any industry will always offer great customer support and CBD companies are no different. 

You shouldn’t have to feel alone on your CBD journey. Having a place where you can ask questions at any time or have a chat should anything not be the right fit or up to standard for you. 

Extract Listing 

Look for an extract type listed on your CBD oil product. There are 3 types of popular CBD extracts:
the way the hemp is processed. 

Full Spectrum 

If you’re looking for the most powerful and efficient CBD this is the best type to choose. This type of extract features hemp in its most natural form. Including stalks, leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. To meet legal requirements this extract features under .3% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). So it will not get you high. 

It is often considered closer to the original plant, and is therefore the most authentically natural. It undergoes less processing when compared to isolates.

Full Spectrum creates what they call the entourage effect, a term when all the compounds found within the plant work synergistically together. Which will produce maximum effect and benefit. the terpenes and flavonoids from cannabis can create a strong taste and aroma that some people find to be unpleasant.

Broad Spectrum 

– this extract contains pretty much the same components as full spectrum, with the exception of the THC component. Keep in mind this extract still allows for most of the benefits of the entourage effect but with no risk of consuming THC. So Broad Spectrum is perfect for those who are THC sensitive or unable to consume small amounts of THC due to regular work-related drug testing. 


When companies manufacture CBD separate from the rest of the 100 cannabinoids in the hemp plant this creates the isolate product.
The whole plant CBD is both full spectrum and broad spectrum whereas CBD isolate is simply isolated from the rest of the plant components.  The advantage of CBD Isolate is it is the purest and most potent. It often contains upwards of 90% cannabidiol. There is no risk of psychoactive effects, and minimal risk of flagging a false positive on a drug test. CBD isolate is both tasteless and odorless so its often used for those looking to cook with CBD and are looking for a lighter flavour. The only real drawback with CBD isolate is that it does not create the entourage effect. 

So always be sure to look for the extract type listed on your CBD product. 

It’s suggested that consumers who are looking to get the most out of their CBD experience use Full Spectrum CBD products whereas Broad Spectrum and Isolate are used more by those who are sensitive to THC or any other cannabinoids products.  

There is no type that is ‘better’ than the other, whilst some consumers may feel they are more suited to one or other, it really is a personal choice and is a matter of just deciding which they personally like better. 

We just encourage consumers to take caution when it comes to CBD isolate because it’s easier to create a synthetic version of cannabinoids 

synthetic Isolate cannabinoids chemical components match regular isolate CBD exactly, yet it is created in a laboratory setting. It goes without saying that you want to avoid added chemicals when choosing a CBD product, so be sure you’re aware of the ins & outs of the extract you’re purchasing.

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Anxiety and CBD Fri, 10 Jul 2020 01:22:55 +0000 When anxiety comes knocking on your door, it can send your body into what feels like a frenzy. Monkey mind chatter, sweaty palms and a racing heart. A wave of frustration and helplessness can wash over you.

For those who experience the unwelcome symptoms of anxiety it can make every day life feel incredibly difficult. Often those who are suffering from anxiety find themselves struggling to see something positive and find any sense of calm in their day.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders, and beyond blue statistics show that 1 in 6 Australians are currently experiencing anxiety. Many people do not seek help, due to shame and therefore they suffer in silence and continue to try and live with it.

Anxiety is something that can come on quickly and unexpectedly. 

Some common reasons as to why this can happen, are things like financial stress, break ups, losing employment and many other existential fears.

Those who are affected by this condition can often isolate themselves from social situations, from their family and friends. It can put a lot of pressure not only on themselves but those around them and who are close to them. 

Some of the anti-anxiety medications that are available may offer fast relief but can become unhealthy and can lead to long term dependency. Unfortunately also what can happen is that these types of medicines also come with a long list of nasty side effects.

So for those living with this disorder It’s imperative for them to find a safe and natural alternative to managing and relieving the unwanted symptoms that anxiety is making them struggling with. 

This is where CBD has recently started to become a welcome alternative or complementary treatment for potentially relieving and managing anxiety in individuals, with it actually having a positive influence on the state of mind of a person without the side effects. 

It’s important to note here that it’s not about rolling up a joint and smoking it and then just chilling out to ease the mind.
There is research that states CBD oil has a calming effect on the psyche without any effect from THC which is found in your common marijuna drug. 

Clinical research on CBD as a treatment for anxiety disorders has increased in recent years with increasing numbers of evidence pointing to its potential of having therapeutic benefits for those who take it.  

However in other studies that have been conducted there has been suggestion that CBD may heighten anxiety in some individuals because CBD is a bidirectional medicine, which means it can cause the opposite response with different doses.

Understanding the way that CBD can be ingested can help determine which is the best way for  an individual with anxiety to consume the product. 

Some factors to keep in mind when 


Your unique body chemistry also affects how you respond to CBD. Some individuals metabolize medicine faster than others, which can be attributed to genes or lifestyle. If you know that you metabolize medication quickly, it’s possible that you may benefit from a higher dose.

Bidirectional effects

CBD may do different things at different doses, a phenomenon known as bidirectional effects. Overstimulation of the body’s endocannabinoid system may exacerbate symptoms instead of alleviating them.

Additionally, high levels of CBD, such as 300 mg, have been known to promote sleepiness and relaxation. Conversely, low levels of CBD may create an elevating response, inciting wakefulness and alertness. The best way to avoid unwanted bidirectional effects is to follow the adage: start low, go slow.

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